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Digestive Wellness|Food & Nutrition

Top Benefits of Collagen Supplements

You’ve probably heard the great news by now: We’ve launched Bellway Beauty, a skin-improving supplement featuring our proven super fiber and collagen! While fiber can improve your glow by getting rid of breakout-causing toxins, collagen can do even more to get you closer to your best skin ever.

Read on to learn all about our new B.F.F. collagen, and the top benefits of taking collagen supplements.

What is collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. There are quite a few analogies for its function—scaffolding, building blocks, glue, the list goes on. Basically, collagen helps create the structure of our skin, muscles, ligaments, and more. 

There are many different types of collagen. Ninety percent of the collagen in our bodies is Type I, which is found in our skin, bones, blood vessel walls, connective tissue, and fibrous (or stiff) cartilage. The other types can be found in our muscles, organs, the elastic cartilage in our joints, and other parts of the body.

Being that collagen is a major component of our skin, collagen supplements can have major benefits for our skin health. 

Our bodies naturally produce collagen. However, as we get older, we produce less and less. Starting at around age 25, we lose about one percent of our collagen every year. Women can lose up to 30 percent in the first 5 years of menopause. Taking a collagen supplement can make up for our natural loss of collagen as we age, but it can be taken at any point in our adult lives for its beneficial effects. 

So, what are the benefits of collagen supplements?

Younger-looking skin.

Being that collagen is a major component of our skin, collagen supplements can have major benefits for our skin health. In addition to strengthening our skin, collagen supplements can improve elasticity and hydration. 

They can actually stimulate our bodies to produce more collagen, as well as proteins elastin and fibrillin, which can reduce wrinkles and promote a younger appearance.  

Less joint pain.

The cartilage in our joints contains collagen, so collagen supplements can help maintain its integrity. This is especially important for those who experience chronic joint pain or disorders linked to the breakdown of our joints, such as osteoarthritis. 

However, you don’t have to have serious joint problems to enjoy this benefit of collagen supplements. For example, these supplements may be able to reduce joint pain from exercise. One study by the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism showed that athletes who took just five grams of collagen every day for 12 weeks experienced less knee pain during exercise compared to those who took a placebo. 

The cartilage in our joints contains collagen, so collagen supplements can help maintain its integrity. 

Improved gut health.

Those who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may be able to find some relief with collagen supplements, given that collagen is part of the connective tissue that makes up our colons and GI tracts. A 2017 study connected inflammation experienced by IBD patients to an imbalance in the formation and breakdown of collagen, suggesting that taking collagen supplements could help alleviate this issue.

Strong bones.

Collagen supplements can help fortify the existing collagen in our bones, which gives them their structure and keeps them strong. They also may be able to stimulate bone formation and stop the breakdown of our bones that happens naturally as we get older, particularly in postmenopausal women. A study of women who took collagen for a year showed an increase in bone mineral density of up to seven percent compared to those who didn’t. 

A boost in muscle mass.

Roughly 10 percent of our muscles is composed of collagen. Supplements not only maintain the collagen in our muscles, but also may promote the growth of other proteins in our muscles, such as creatine. This is beneficial for those who experience the natural loss of muscle mass that happens with age, as well as those who are looking to improve their post-exercise muscle gains.

Those who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may be able to find some relief with collagen supplements.

Reduced risk of heart disease.

In addition to our skin, bones, and muscles, collagen helps create the structure of our arteries. Arteries that are lacking in collagen can become weak and narrowed, potentially leading to atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. By helping to keep our blood vessels strong, collagen supplements may be able to prevent these disorders. 

A study published in the Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis showed improvements in cholesterol levels and arterial integrity in 32 adults who took collagen twice daily for six months.

Stronger and longer hair and nails.

Collagen supplements may be able to prevent brittleness in our nails. A six-month study showed that those who took oral supplements of collagen peptides reported increased nail growth and fewer broken nails. Collagen can also stimulate hair growth, but conclusive research is still in development. 

The bottom line:

Collagen is a protein that we produce to help provide the structure of various parts and systems of the body. Supplements can help compensate for the natural loss of collagen that occurs as we get older. They may also be able to benefit our skin, joints, bones, heart, hair, nails, and even our gut health.
